The updated and expanded scaffolding compliance software from the National Access & Scaffolding Federation (NASC) is now on sale.
TG20:21 builds on TG20:13, the NASC’s innovative, user-friendly and widely-adopted eGuide software, which enables users to produce a wide range of standard scaffolding structures, without the need for bespoke design. Development has been carried out in conjunction with CADS (Computer and Design Services Limited) and in accordance with the European standard BS EN 12811 – even simpler, and incorporates a wider range of scaffolding types.
Additions include exterior birdcages, tube and fitting mobile towers, tube and fitting loading bays without beams, and tied independent scaffolds with three inside boards.
TG20 compliance sheets are now double-sided, with an illustration and principal compliance criteria on the front, and detailed compliance criteria listed on the reverse.
The updated User Guide booklet will be published in May, and printed versions of the Operational and Design guides will follow.
TG20:21 is available on an annual subscription basis, costing £300 + VAT per login per year, which is discounted to £75 for NASC full members. To ensure the transition from TG20:13 to TG20:21 is as fair as possible, there is a period of free use of the new software for existing users, which can be accessed using the TG20:13 serial number.
NASC President Lynn Way said: “We’re delighted to launch TG20:21. We’ve been working on this update for 18 months, and I’d like to thank every single person that has played a part in its development.
“We’re confident that users of TG20:21 will recognise how we’ve taken the best parts of TG20:13, made it better and easier to use, but also kept the original mission statement in the front of our minds – creating a tool that scaffolding contractors can use to produce compliant structures for day to-day scaffolding, and ensure that their scaffolding projects are safe and conform to legal requirements.”
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