It was announced on Tuesday 22nd September that Nicholas Boys Smith has been appointed to establish a new design body, tasked with driving up design standards. He will lead an expert group advising the government on how to embed beauty and quality into the new, reformed planning system.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP also announced that Charles O’Brien has been appointed as the government’s new heritage adviser to help communities protect their treasured historic buildings and monuments
These appointments follow last month’s published proposals for a new, faster, simpler planning system, which will require local authorities to introduce their own local design codes – enhancing beauty, quality and environmental standards by giving communities control over what is built in their areas.
Mr Jenrick said of the initiative:
“For the first time in this country, we are embedding beauty, design and quality in the planning system.
“The creation of a new design body will empower communities to demand developments are built to local preferences and reflect the character and identity of their communities - assigning ‘anywhereville’ developments to history.
“Nicholas Boys Smith has established himself as the pre-eminent voice in the movement to create beautiful, sustainable neighbourhoods with an enduring appeal and so I have asked him to help establish the new design body that will enhance what people treasure most about their local area.”
FASET – Fall Arrest Safety Equipment Testing – closely follows all developments in the construction sector. FASET is the established trade association and training body for the safety netting and temporary safety systems industry.
The promotion of a safer way of working is always our first priority and we also welcome any improvements both to planning – accelerating and simplifying the system to help all parts of the supply chain – and improvements for the enhancement of aesthetic and environmental standards.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
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