Following a request from a client to practice safety net rescues on their site using “live” nets, we have made a slight change to FASET Bulletin SN29 (Revision 2) Safety Net Rescue: DOWNLOAD. This change makes it clear that whilst FASET advocates proper rescue planning, including formal training (FASET does a net rescue workshop) and we also advocate practising the rescue plan, these practices are not to be done on live sites from live nets that have been installed as a fall protection measure.
We would strongly recommend you read the two-page FASET Bulletin SN29 for full details. The Work at Height Regulations make specific reference to rescue and to the selection of work equipment for work at height. These are shown in the bulletin.
Due to variations from site to site, it’s not possible for us to be prescriptive regarding an exact and definitive plan of action to take. That’s why the training takes the format of a workshop, in order to discuss typical issues on site and possible solutions to them, and why we provide a comprehensive set of guidelines which will ensure the safest approach can be identified and used on your site..
Again, please DOWNLOAD the bulletin and familiarise yourself with the guidance.
FASET produces a full range of guidance covering all types of safety nets and temporary safety systems, as well as general information: Our aim is to promote a safer way of working and ultimately eliminate falls from height, which are still the leading cause of death in the workplace.