As the established trade association and training body for the safety netting and temporary safety systems industry, FASET exists to protect the health and safety of those working at height in the construction and FM sectors.
We aim to share news that is relevant and useful to our members and we are pleased to share the following from the Construction Leadership Council (CLC)
Businesses from across the sector are being asked to give their views on the first ever unified plan to slash the amount of diesel used on sites.
Last year the Construction Leadership Council’s CO2nstruct Zero campaign set a target to cut the amount of diesel used by construction by 78% by 2035.
Since this announcement, a group of organisations including contractors, plant firms, clients and trade bodies have been working together to set out a plan for how this target can be achieved. Today the outcome of this work – Consultation Draft: Zero diesel sites route map – is being published to provide firms across the industry with an opportunity to give their feedback on the proposals.
Consultation responses are being collected via the following link Closing date for responses is midnight 02 December 2022.
You can read the full press release here.