As the established trade association and training body for the safety netting and temporary safety systems industry, FASET aims to always keep up to date with the latest news from the building access industry.
We are pleased to share the following story from the Construction Leadership Council (CLC).
On 5th September, the CLC offered its support to the UK Government and building owners to address the problems associated with the historic use of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).
The CLC expects to deliver this support in two phases: an assessment of the current situation and risk levels, and then supporting the design and delivery of any required remediation programmes across the public sector estate.
The CLC will be establishing a technical expert panel from professional bodies across the sector, as well as industry experts. This will be co-ordinated by Graham Watts, one of the leaders of the CLC’s Building Safety workstream, to provide a single industry approach to the issue.
The work of the expert panel will be supported by a communication and external engagement group to ensure that accurate information and guidance is provided to the industry and building owners.
The technical expert panel will develop a plan to address some of the immediate support required, including the provision of temporary buildings, and the availability and competence of inspectors.
CLC Co-Chair Mark Reynolds said: “The construction industry has a responsibility to ensure the safety and the confidence of the public in the buildings that are a part of the fabric of their daily lives. “The CLC is working to co-ordinate a cross-sector response; marshalling technical expertise and industry capacity to support the Government and building owners to develop an effective programme to assist with prioritising and mitigating the risks; and developing plans to remediate buildings where required.”
Mr Watts said: “While we anticipate that the majority of buildings that contain RAAC will remain safe, there is an urgent need to identify and remedy any risks to the public. As an industry we will support the programme of expert assessment of structures, both public and private, to identify where RAAC has been used and to deal with it to make it safe.
“We will be setting up two groups to take this work forward A technical expert panel to co-ordinate our cross-industry response, as well as a communications group. We will be confirming the full membership of both groups shortly, and their work will start immediately.
“I want to also take this opportunity to offer my thanks for the number of companies and organisations that have proactively approached the CLC with offers of help and support”.